How To Install Custom Module on is supporting usage of third party that will extend the functionality of your system. In order to achieve that, there are several steps that we should do to upload it into the system and install it.

And here’s How to Install Custom Module on

First, locate your module file. Either you bought a module from app store or customize your own, you will have a folder of it.

After that, you need to open where you need to upload this folder to. Log into your account that connected with

Now, go to where the repository are located. Click on the Add File button, and click Upload Files.

Now, once this screen show, you can drag-and-drop your folder into it.

Wait until the uploading process is done.

Once the progress is done, simply click Commit Changes.

Now, wait for awhile and go to the Odoo and go to Apps.

Click on Update Apps List

After that, search the Module and its should be available to install.

That’s the simplest way to install module on If you need assistance, contact now

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