How To Migrate On-Premise Odoo to

What is is a platform as a service provided by Odoo, in purpose to allows the end-users to easily test your developments, manage your feature-branches, and beta-test your features on duplicates of your customer’s production instance. This tutorial will explain how to migrate On-Premise Odoo to service, as i reminding back in August 2021, my company i worked in has required me to move in the Odoo on-premise server to I must say, it’s a good choice because provide scalability to our running ERP (which is Odoo ERP of course) rather than running with self-hosted on premise server.

How Do I Start the Migration Process?

First time signing up with your github account. It will require your permission like this

After signing in, create your project and fill the information before start deploying your instance. Here, you can select New public repository or even recommended you can select New private repository. Repository is a place where you will keep your Odoo custom module. After that, select the Odoo version you wish to deploy and the subscription Code.

Selecting server based on your region, also adding subscription code to activate it.

In case you forgot where you keep your subscription code, you can go to Settings > Technical > System Parameter. Then, in your search field, type in database.enterprise_code. Copy and paste that code into the above. After that, you can begin to deploy your server after selecting the region where your server will be.

How to get your enterprise code subscription inside on-premise server. Going to Settings > Technical > System Parameters

Also, i would like to remind you that in this tutorial we are about to migrate from on-premise server to server. Thus, you cannot put the version that different from your on-premise server because odoo database built different in every version it has. If you have a plan to upgrade your odoo version, you have to migrate it first.

By the way, after deploying you will be directed into you project main menu. Congratulation, your is already created! It’s still empty, but that’s normal!

Now, from your on-premise server, do a backup from /web/database/manager/ page site and save your .zip file. 

Accessing /wev/database/manager page to download a backyp of your website by clicking on “Backup”

While you wait for the backup progress finished, you have to get all of your custom module and app file into your new server by pushing to your created github account. If you don’t have a custom app, you may begin to the next step. This is critical, because if you don’t provide your installed module during restoring a database you may counter and error because the required files is missing. After you done that, you can begin to the next step.

In your account, go to the backup tab, and upload your from here.

Selecting the production branch to import a backed up database in .zip format
uploading database shall begin a process to migrate on-premise odoo to
Upload database

Check your files, if it has a size bigger than 2gb you have to transfer your odoo backup files using SSH to server. If it’s not, you can click on browse button and select your file. After that, click import.

Just wait it up, and after it’s done, press the Connect button in your history windows ( main menu). it will brings you to your new Odoo sites, hosted in!

That’s how you can migrate your on-premise server to Also, if you have a customized domain provided by domain provider and would like to use it, you can check my other article of how to change with custom domain here.

If you struggled with the process, don’t hesitate to contact me for assistance!

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